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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Are varicose and spider veins painful or dangerous?

Medical treatment usually is not required for varicose or spider veins. However, varicose veins can become quite uncomfortable as well as look unattractive. Varicose veins usually enlarge and worsen over time. They can cause the legs and feet to swell. Although severe leg pain is not common, leg muscles may feel fatigued or heavy, or throb and cramp at night. The skin on the legs and around the ankles also can itch or burn. In some cases, varicose veins and spider veins can cause more serious problems, and medical treatment will provide benefits. If the veins become severe, they can cause a condition called venous insufficiency, a severe clogging of the blood in the veins that prevents it from returning to the heart. This condition can cause problems like a deep-vein thrombosis (blood clot), or a severe bleeding infection. These usually are caused by injury to the varicose vein. A blood clot can be very dangerous because of the possibility of it traveling from the leg veins to the lungs, where it may block the heart and lungs from functioning. Lastly, because the skin tissue around the varicose vein may not receive enough nourishment, sores or skin ulcers may develop.

Read Varicose Veins - Spider Veins


  1. As what I know both the treatment are such so great and the excellent for removing out the veins from the body. The treatment is such painless and is the excellent one.

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  2. If an immediate family member has suffered from this condition will have a number of things. You can do that may increase the chance of not developing these abnormal veins.

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  3. Causes of varicose veins are attributed to a number of factors. They are more common with age, they are genetic, if a family member have spider veins, chances are you will too, and last.

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  4. Veins become severe, can cause a condition known as venous insufficiency, severe obstruction of blood in the veins, which prevents it from returning to the heart. This condition can cause problems, such as deep vein thrombosis (blood clot), bleeding or severe infections.

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  5. The skin on the feet and around the feet also can urge or get rid of. In some cases, examine blood vessels and examine blood vessels can cause more serious problems, and treatment will provide benefits. If the blood vessels become serious, they can cause a situation known as venous lack of, a serious blocking of the blood in the blood vessels that stops it from coming to the center.

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  6. The veins are superficial and they were injected. But a few years later, they returned, and especially because they could not see the deep veins that fed the superficial veins.

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