Dr. Armen Vartany is a gifted and experienced Los Angeles plastic surgeon who is certified by the prestigious American Board of Plastic Surgery as well as the American Board of Surgery. He is known for his excellent technical skills and his dedication to his patients. Dr. Vartany ensures the best possible surgical outcomes for a variety of surgical procedures for men and women who desire a more youthful and attractive look.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
What's your New Years Resolution?
Contact: Dr. Armen Vartany, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1510 South Central Avenue, Ste 620, Glendale, CA 91204-2598 (818) 500-0823 Vartany.com
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Dr. Vartany 'Nose' What They Want: An Up-Close Interview with one of the Stars’ Most Trusted Plastic Surgeons
He “Nose” What They Want: An Up-Close Interview with one of the Stars’ Most Trusted Plastic Surgeons
But a star’s relationship with their plastic surgeon is sacred. There’s no “do-over” on a bad tuck, lift or rhinoplasty. Like Luke Skywalker, you only get one shot—and it’s because of this that one can find the best and the worst plastic surgeons on the planet right here in LA-LA Land, California.
Traditionally, the industry’s best surgeons have set up office in Beverly Hills, or perhaps have “slummed it” toward Century City or the Westside. But over the last few years, as paparazzi lenses have ferreted out those offices, celebrities seeking clandestine “work” have ventured farther afield for their nip-tuck. One of these hotbeds is Glendale: a hidden gem tucked against the San Gabriel Mountains, more slightly laid-back than its 40-carat neighbor, Pasadena. In Glendale, stars can scoot past the Brand Farmer’s Market to pick up some local produce for their post-op snacking pleasure, or swing the other direction and go highbrow at the Americana At Brand, where that great I’m-Going-Incognito hat is waiting for them at stores like Kate Spade, Stuart Weitzman, Georgiou, Barney’s New York and Juicy.
Their eventual destination is likely to be the offices of Dr. Armen Vartany: one of the stars’ “go-to” guys for excellence in plastic surgery. Originally from Boston, Dr. V came west for his residency in General Surgery at UCLA Medical Center, then continued on in training at Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Orange County’s esteemed UCI Medical Center. By that time, he’d fallen in love with the Southern California weather, and decided to center his practice in Glendale.
Speaking with Dr. Vartany in person is like a mental spa visit: you instantly trust that you’re in great hands. There’s strength and surety in the doctor’s voice as he speaks about the profession for which he’s clearly passionate:
BNH: Every specialist’s path has a story behind it. What’s yours? How did you come to choose Plastic Surgery for your profession?
AV: When I started med school, I had no idea what specialty I was going to like. But I discovered that I enjoy working with my hands, and that I’m good at it, too. Plastic Surgery is especially rewarding because it’s like art—sculpting—making something beautiful. You get to fix things. It was the best decision I ever made.
BNH: Describe your “best day ever” on the job.
AV: They’re all the best day ever. I love knowing that I’m making a difference in people’s lives. When they’ve healed from their surgery, they feel so much better about themselves. It often changes their whole personality. Those follow-up visits are the most fun. Many times, I work on young girls, and it really affects their self-esteem. They blossom as people.
BNH: This one may be hard. Who’s the ONE patient you will never forget, good or bad?
AV: That’s not hard at all. Four or five years ago, a young woman came to see me. She was a recent emigrant to the U.S. from Armenia. She had a profoundly drooped nose, and one of her eyelids also severely drooped. I did her nose, and a colleague of mine worked on her eye in the same surgery. When she was done, she could have been a model. She started taking care of herself. She held her head up with pride. Her life was completely different. I have her picture in an album in my office.
BNH: We hear Glendale is the new “it” location for celebrities wishing to sneak in some “work” under the radar. What’s your thinking on this? Do you agree? And if so, why?
AV: I see a lot of celebrities, and I simply think many of them are realizing you don’t have to go to Beverly Hills to see a great plastic surgeon. And word is growing because they all talk to each other. There’s a lot of BAD plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills! I’m not saying they’re all bad, but a lot of bad ones have gravitated there. Also, celebrities like it here because it’s more relaxed. They can get in without being hounded by the press.
BNH: Well. speaking of that catty Hollywood press!…everyone reads the gossip magazines and sees the “expert” plastic surgeon’s opinion on what a celebrity has gotten “done”. Aside from the obvious culprits, how can you tell if a person’s been “done”, and what they’ve had done?
AV: I don’t think you can tell something like this from a photo of any kind. A lot of times, they show these pictures and it’s not always true. A lot of times, it’s probably photo-shopped—or a trick of the lighting. I don’t’ always trust those pictures.
BNH: Quick, without thinking too hard: your Top “Oh-My-God” celebrities: the ones you saw after their work, and just said “Oh-My-God!” And why?
AV: Well, obviously Michael Jackson; may the man rest in peace. I think he makes everyone’s “Oh-My-God” list. Ummm…, Mickey Rourke. Not a good job, we’ll let it rest at it. And who’s that Italian Prime Minister…Silvio Berlusconi…his sideburns give it away. A tell-tale sign of a bad face lift is an unnatural sideburn. Meg Ryan is another obvious choice. I pick the ones you all do, too. Bad plastic surgery is pretty easy to spot.
BNH: Who’s the one celebrity you wish you could get your hands on, and why?
AV: Paris Hilton. She is such a stunning woman in many ways, but her nose is a little long. I’d give it a cute little tilt at the end, too.
BNH: You really like noses.
AV: (Laughs) Yes; I really like noses. They’re my specialty. And they’re important! Look where they’re located on your face!
BNH: What’s the one thing you wish the world could know about your job, that we don’t already know?
AV: That I’m passionate about my job. That most good surgeons are. That I really love what I do, and it’s not always about the money.
BNH: Do you get busier before the Academy Awards?
AV: No. I’m actually getting ready for my busiest season. It’s always right before the holidays, and then again in the summer, when people are going to their high school reunions. It’s any time people will be going to see loved ones, or friends they haven’t seen in a long time. During the winter, I’m always busiest during school break times.
BNH: Who are the celebrities that people request to be “transformed into” the most?
AV: Patients always bring in pictures. For noses, I see a lot of Kate Winslet shots. And Penelope Cruz. For men? Hmmm. That’s tougher. They generally don’t pick actors or “names”. They pick male models; guys with strong, balanced features.
BNH: Picking a plastic surgeon is a very important decision. What are the three things someone NEEDS to know before they select a plastic surgeon for their work?
AV: Ask about the doctor’s board certifications. Make sure their certifications are in plastic surgery, not some other specialty! I’m board-certified by two boards dealing specifically with plastic surgery. For instance, you wouldn’t want an Ears-Nose-Throat doctor doing your tummy tuck! A lot of surgeons will tell you they are certified, but you need to check the specialty. Also, go to a surgeon who does A LOT of what you want to have done. Make sure they have many pictures of the other procedures they’ve done; look through their albums. My album for noses is three inches thick. My other albums aren’t as big. You can tell what I’m best at. And ask around. Ask for references. Do your research. You can never do too much research.
Thanks for letting us get a little nosy with you, Dr. Vartany! To check out the doctor’s work, check out his website: www.vartany.com.
Dr. Vartany on Facebook, CLICK HERE
Contact: Dr. Armen Vartany, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1510 South Central Avenue, Ste 620, Glendale, CA 91204-2598 (818) 500-0823 Vartany.com
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Which Celebrity Nose Job is Best?
Monday, October 17, 2011
Win a DVD of the critically acclaimed Forks Over Knives Documentary
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Which Real Housewife of Beverly Hills is most attractive?
Contact: Dr. Armen Vartany, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1510 South Central Avenue, Ste 620, Glendale, CA 91204-2598 (818) 500-0823 Vartany.com
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Who's Breasts Are Best? Take our poll:
Contact: Dr. Armen Vartany, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1510 South Central Avenue, Ste 620, Glendale, CA 91204-2598 (818) 500-0823 Vartany.com
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Win One of Five Matthew Morrison MP3s
GIVEAWAY: 5 Matthew Morrison albums in “mp3” format, chosen at random by our staff.
TO ENTER: RT or Repost on FB or twitter "Like Dr. Vartany on FB http://ow.ly/5UquH". Or leave a comment about which celebrity body part is your favorite on https://www.facebook.com/VartanyPlasticSurgery. Winners will be chosen at random by our staff.
No purchase necessary to enter. You must be age 18+, live in California, one win per household. You must give us an email address to send the digital file for your mp3 player.
Contact: Dr. Armen Vartany, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1510 South Central Avenue, Ste 620, Glendale, CA 91204-2598 (818) 500-0823 Vartany.com
Monday, June 13, 2011
Chin Surgery: Genioplasty (Augmentation) and Mentoplasty (Reduction)
A balanced facial appearance depends partly on the shape and size of your chin in relationship to your nose. Chin surgery can reduce (mentoplasty) or augment (genioplasty) the chin to give your face a more balanced appearance.
A recent study of facial bones by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons demonstrated that individual facial bones shift, reduce, or enlarge with age. Because of the age-related nature of the changes, most chin surgery patients are adults.
Options and Combinations
Other procedures may be performed with chin surgery. For example, liposuction may be used to treat a double chin or to remove excessive fat in the chin area and neckline. Your surgeon may suggest chin surgery as a supplement to nose reshaping, because a small chin can make the nose appear larger. Chin surgery may be recommended as part of a combination treatment plan for a facelift patient as well.For a droopy chin (sometimes call "witch's chin"), your doctor may recommend corrective elevation. Orthognathic chin surgery is another option, which treats birth defects causing dental malocclusion, which inhibits the ability to eat.
Getting Started with Chin Surgery
Chin surgery is usually performed in an outpatient surgical center or hospital. The procedure may be performed under local anesthesia (sedated, numbed, and awake). For more complicated cases, general anesthesia may be used (asleep). Patients usually return home within hours of the procedure. Some patients require an overnight stay. Depending upon the extent of the case, time in surgery may be one or more hours.To decide how to proceed, the surgeon will examine your chin and jaw, and weigh factors that could influence the outcome of surgery, such as your age, skin type, and whether you are psychologically prepared for treatment.
READ MORE ABOUT Chin Surgery: Genioplasty (Augmentation) and Mentoplasty (Reduction)
Monday, May 9, 2011
Your bathroom may become your anti-aging temple
March 21, 2011
Joan Kron, writing for March 2011 Allure magazine, is curious about the future of the bathroom. After interviewing oracles on the cutting edge of lighting, technology, and cosmetic surgery innovation, she predicts that the bathroom of the future will be an anti-aging fortress, a cross between a doctor’s office and the fountain of youth.
Have you ever purchased the wrong makeup because of bad store lighting? In the future, artificial bathroom light may come from tiny gallium nitride bulbs that mimic sunlight, showing true makeup colors. Light may also be used therapeutically: certain blue wavelengths of light are reputed to treat acne by killing bacteria. Red and yellow lights are said to be anti-inflammatory and to reduce the redness of rosacea.
Nothing is worse than stumbling out of bed into a strange shower and being dumbfounded by the temperature controls. If you’re lucky, your showerhead may be rimmed with LED lights, flashing different colors to indicate water temperature. This system is already in use in some places. Further, you may not have to wash your hair. Static fighting carbon fiber vacuums, now used on pets to suck up dirt particles, could conceivably be adapted for humans.
Would you like to erase your own wrinkles? There are some treatments traditionally done in doctor’s offices that are being considered or tested for home use. Revance, a wipe-on botulinum toxin, carried through the skin by a chemical peptide, is being tested on crow’s feet. To kill two birds with one stone, it can also be used as a general antiperspirant. Hyaluronic acid gel patches may be available for self-application to plump under eye depressions, and a custom molded mask could smooth smile lines or tighten a sagging jaw.
Brown spots are an unwelcome sign of aging. Coming down the pipeline is a laser pen to remove age spots and benign skin growths in the privacy of your boudoir.
Pretty is as pretty does but mirrors lie, actually reflecting your image in reverse. There are already special non reversing mirrors, showing the real you, in some plastic surgeon’s offices.
Your future toilet may test your urine for abnormal levels of sugar, albumin and blood and determine your weight, BMI and blood pressure. Is this too much information?
Read the Original Post Your bathroom may become your anti-aging temple
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Are varicose and spider veins painful or dangerous?
Read Varicose Veins - Spider Veins
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A Message for You from Dr. Armen Vartany, FACS
A Message for You from Dr. Armen Vartany, FACS
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Ask Dr. Vartany: Q & A from Armen Vartany, M.D., FACS, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Send your questions for Dr Vartany:
Contact: Dr. Armen Vartany, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1510 South Central Avenue, Ste 620, Glendale, CA 91204-2598 (818) 500-0823 Vartany.com
Monday, April 11, 2011
Watch Dr. Vartany on "Your Health" on USArmenia Worldwide Television Network
Contact: Dr. Armen Vartany, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1510 South Central Avenue, Ste 620, Glendale, CA 91204-2598 (818) 500-0823 Vartany.com
Ask Dr. Vartany: Q & A from Armen Vartany, M.D., FACS, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
Answer:) With fillers such as Juvederm or Restylane, the result can last up to 2-3 months
Send your questions for Dr Vartany:
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Contact: Dr. Armen Vartany, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon 1510 South Central Avenue, Ste 620, Glendale, CA 91204-2598 (818) 500-0823 Vartany.com
Monday, April 4, 2011
Receive $25 credit toward lip augmentation w/your online review 4 Dr. Vartany.
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Dr. Armen Vartany, M.D., FACS | Tel: (818) 500-0823 | www.vartany.com | Glendale | CA | 91204 |